GriddingMachine Tutorial 6

How to use the Collector module of GriddingMachine.jl (v0.3)?

Yujie Wang


October 30, 2024

The Collector module within GriddingMachine.jl is designed to download the datasets to local drive and manage the downloaded datasets.

Each of the dataset in GriddingMachine is assigned a unique tag, such as VCMAX_2X_1Y_V1. Please see the documentation for all the supported datasets and their tags.

Query the datasets (v0.3)

Function download_artifact! is designed to automatically download the dataset if not yet downloaded and then return to the user the path of the downloaded dataset:

  • download_artifact!(artname::String) queries the dataset using the full tag of a dataset.

For example:

julia> using GriddingMachine.Collector: download_artifact!
julia> dsfile = download_artifact!("VCMAX_2X_1Y_V1")

Clean the database (v0.3)

Function clean_database! is designed to clean the downloaded datasets, and there are three methods to use it:

  • clean_database!(selection::String="old") to clean only the outdated (default) or all datasets (set selection to “all”);
  • clean_database!(selection::Vector{String}) to clean the datasets using their tags;

Typically, it is only recommended to clean only the outdated datasets

julia> using GriddingMachine.Collector: clean_database!
julia> clean_database!();

Sync the database (v0.3)

Sometimes, users may want to download all the datasets, for example, when building a server for the Requester module. In this case, we provide a function sync_collections!, which supoorts two methods:

  • sync_database!() to download all the datasets within all collections;

And it is simple to perform the synchronization (Note: do not try this code unless you really want to download all the data!):

julia> using GriddingMachine.Collector: sync_database!
julia> sync_database!();